Thursday 20th April 2017

Symposium on ‘Truth or Dare’
Hand Surgery and Hand Therapy

The Big Hand Event will start this in April and subsequently take place every year. The philosophy is to cover the latest developments in hand surgery and hand therapy. The formula is unique because different input will be given from the perspective of plastic (hand) surgery, orthopedic surgery, trauma surgery, rehabilitation medicine and hand therapy.

For this year’s meeting 20 April 2017, a number of internationally renowned presenters will speak on ‘what is evidence based in hand-nerve surgery and hand therapy’.

Preliminary Program

  • Fact and fiction in flexor tendon surgery – Prof. Peter Amadio
  • Sensation in the hand: Do we know what we are actually testing? – Prof. Lee Dellon
  • Truth or dare in the treatment of thumb base arthritis – Dr. Tyson Cobb
  • The distal radio-ulnar joint: what have we learned from its complex anatomy? – Dr. Jan-Ragnar Haugstvedt
  • Ligament injuries in the wrist: Do we need repair them all? – Prof. Steven Moran

Organizing committee
The Big Hand Event was initiated by 5 dedicated hand-wrist-arm specialists: Prof Henk J. Coert – plastic surgery, Dr Joost Colaris – orthopedic surgery, Dr Niels Schep – trauma surgery, Dr Peter Hoogvliet – rehabilitation medicine, Dr Ton A.R. Schreuders – hand therapy.

more information

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