16th Hand Therapy & Surgery Symposium

18th December 2015
Anatomy of the Hand- Back to Basisc

HTsymp_18dec2015Ronald L.A.W. Bleys (MD, PhD professor of Anatomy,Univ. of Utrecht)
Anatomical lessons in the 21st century – from a historical model into virtual 3D

Dirk-Jan E.J. Veeger  (PhD, TU Delft 3ME)
Biomechanical models; what do you need to develop  a musculoskeletal model and what can it be used for? 

Fiona Peck (PT, senior hand therapist – Manchester UK)
Rehabilitation of the flexor tendons- new insights 

Sarah Mee (Dip COT SROT PG Dip)
Biomechanics and anatomy of PIP or Wrist

Ton Schreuders (PT, PhD, CHT-NL)
The ligament of Landsmeer; fact or fiction?

Alex Poublon
Variationin innervations of the radial side of the wrist 

Henk Coert (Prof. plastic/hand surgery) Univ. of Utrecht,
Was the development of human hand an evolutionary milestone for mankind?”

Prof.dr. Johan F. Lange   Professor of Surgery ErasmusMC
Medical  errors, how do we deal with them?”

HandScapes Jan Kersschot
Studio Inspiration Fine Art Photography 
 >Register here<

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